The Power of Pelvic Floor Therapy

A healthy pelvic floor feels like being able to sit through an entire movie without needing to use the restroom, having great sex, and benefitting from seamless bowel movements. Here are 10 things we learned/gems dropped (from the girls) about having a better body image and pelvic floor from Pelvic Floor therapist, Ariel Wynne:

  1. Remember, you are a work in progress.
  2. You don’t have to be the size society, your culture, or your family expects you to be.
  3. If you’re healthy, it doesn’t matter what size you are.
  4. Say “fuck ‘em” to anyone who makes comments about your body. It’s a reflection of what they think about themselves, not about you. More tips here.
  5. The pelvic floor is a set of muscles that supports pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus, and bowel, like a hammock.
  6. The pelvic floor prevents accidental loss of urine or feces. It is considered an integral part of our body’s complete mobility and stability.
  7. 1 in 3 women suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction (urinary/anal incontinence, pelvic pain, or pelvic organ prolapse), but fewer than half of all women seek medical care.
  8. If you’d like to review Ariel Wynne’s full pelvic floor presentation, email us!
  9. You can’t put a price on orgasms – do your pelvic exercises so you can have better sex and painless periods! Recommended exercises for your pelvic floor include glute bridges, clamshell, and diaphragmatic breathing. Shout out to my personal trainer Sonya Robinson for always incorporating pelvic floor exercises into our weekly routine.
  10. Practice mindfulness for self-healing and accepting yourself where you are right now. This also calms and strengthens your pelvic floor!

Additional resources:

Thanks again to those of you who were able to attend the meet-up! We all benefit from seeing and talking to each other in person. When we are vulnerable and share our stories, we not only heal ourselves but also those around us. Thanks to each of you who make this community happen!