Fall Sex Talk with Yanni Brown was a fabulous time! We talked about sex, self-care, finding love in this pandemic, and being more vocal about our desires. Yanni was able to answer all of our pressing questions. She kept it really real and for that, I think we’re all eternally grateful.

Loving yourself is a never-ending journey. – Yanni Brown
- One of the key themes throughout the talk was learning to fall in love with yourself first before bringing someone else into the picture. Sometimes we think relationships will fix our issues, but we need to look within first and figure out who we are, what we want, and need.
- When dating people, there are questions we need to ask. They will tell us whether the person is serious about us or not. Questions to ask in the beginning are: Where is this going? What are you looking for in a relationship?
- People are finding love in this pandemic! Nathalynne McGinnis is a true testament to this. She met her partner right before quarantine and they took it slow – speaking on the phone, taking walks, and doing socially distant activities. Yanni says if the person you want to date is interested, they’ll find a way to make it work with you.
- You don’t have to follow traditional relationship patterns. You can date whomever you’d like, as long as you are open and honest about who you are and what you’re looking for!
More gems from Yanni:
We all want to be loved
Ask to see their MyChart
You are chosen
Thanks, Yanni! Please feel free to email her here: yanni@makinglovebettertwogether.com.
- More sayings from the other girls who attended:
-Sex becomes more painful with age
-Apparently, this stuff works
-My pleasure matters to me - Balancing your PH comes before, during, and after sex. Eat a well-balanced diet and see a nutritionist if what you’re doing isn’t working.
-You should consider pursuing non-traditional relationships too. Be honest about what you’re looking for. You’re not too old to start pursuing this at 30.
-Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Be true to who you are and you’ll attract the right person.
A meditation to help with self-care & finding love:
Close your eyes.
Relax your shoulders.
Unclench your jaw.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in again.
Breathe out.
Think of yourself as having a beautiful relationship with yourself. Now, think of yourself having the same with someone worthy of having you.
Open your eyes.