At 28, Karen Spears is a calm and collected individual with so much insight into the world of entrepreneurship. Karen shared her budding, enterprising journey with us which began as early as middle school when she created craft books for teachers, and later painted signage quotes for friends going to college. She clearly had a gift and honed it, until it blossomed into her very own business. Here are some amazing tips and tricks Karen has learned over the years:
- The people around you matter. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
- Running your own business is no joke. It takes serious commitment and time. The greater the risk, the greater the reward.
- You have to plan out the life you want. Planning is what leads to success. If you want to become an entrepreneur, don’t quit your full-time today without an action plan.
- If you’ve been granted a gift or talent, you have a responsibility to nurture it.
- You can save money by doing your taxes quarterly, not yearly.
- Don’t make decisions based on our emotions saying less and doing more.
- Find a mentor, and advocate for ourselves. You are the bag!
– Never assume other people’s motives.
– Identify what inspires the people you work with and connect with them based on those things.
– Pace yourself and manage your time wisely to avoid burnout.
– Practice clear communication and boundaries.